“Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey”

Valentine’s Day is that day of the year when suddenly you are bombarded on social media with such ridiculous quotes. Suddenly every person becomes a philosopher and it can get somewhat annoying. But valentine’s day is great. It is the one day in the entire year dedicated to love, that wonder drug that gives you the best high ever; after marijuana of course. But as we know marijuana is actually illegal in our country whereas public display of affection isn’t….. Oh wait #MoralPolice. I’m going to tell you a story I’ve been thinking about today of a long lost love. Valentine’s Day brings back some fond memories…..

So I was deeply in love with this girl a few years ago. She was this amazingly beautiful girl! It was like what they show in the movies; every time I looked at her she took my breath away…. Now that I think about it, it was more like suffocation…. But anyways, things were going pretty great; “were” being the key word. We broke up eventually. It was a mutual understanding. She understood she no longer loved me. I understood she was a bitch. It was a good two years though. At least I count it as two years, I don’t know whether she counts it at all. The reason why I don’t know is because while breaking up, this is exactly what she said, “Rohan, I don’t think it was ever love”. She didn’t say that I no longer love you, she went with “It was never love”! Matlab 2 saal “I love you” bolne ka practice kar rahi thi? This will never happen in any other scenario right? Take college for example. Let’s say your first two years in college go great but you fail a couple of exams in your 5th semester. College will give you a KT for the 5th semester only. It won’t refuse to acknowledge your existence of the past two years because of your mistakes in the 5th semester, right? Or imagine you studying hard for four years the first semester, making it through the remaining 7 and then when you go to collect your degree your college goes like, “Ummm actually… In the last 4 years what we did wasn’t really “engineering”. I was just seeing how good you would’ve been at it. You’re such a sincere student; have the perfect skill set for the course and I’m sure any other college would be so lucky to have you as their student. But….. I’m gonna give the degree to that arts student over there who has 3 KTs but is cute as fuck! Toh tu gaand maraa. Okay bye”. Something as absurd as this is never going to happen!

So we broke up. It was a bad couple of months. You’d think I’d have had my friends for support, but what you forget is I have guy friends. Guys are as good with handling emotional situations as girls are at driving; so not much help there. But time healed it all and guess what? I fell in love again! But around this time I realised I could piss people off in ways I did not know existed! I say this because my ex-girlfriend got angry upon hearing this news. Now, she dumped me. She doesn’t get to be pissed at anything I do. Yet for some reason she got so upset when I started dating her best friend…. Girls can be quite unreasonable at times. But now jealousy creeps in. She has to break us up. She can’t have me dating her best friend. She can’t have that on her CV. So she goes up to her best friend and gives her a list of reasons why she shouldn’t date me. All the reasons were bullshit, but I’ll give her the credit of trying. I still remember the most absurd reason she had given back then. She actually said, “But have you seen the way he walks?”. She could’ve said anything in the world! She could’ve made up things like, “He lies a lot” or “He has foul body odour” or even “He has a small penis!”. None of which is true (for all you judgemental creeps), but they are all possible deal breakers. But she decided to go with my walking habits. Now, I’m no expert on relationships, but, if the biggest problem your girlfriend of two years had with you is the way you walk, you were pretty good at it!

Why did I write about this? Because I needed to write an article for Rotaract Club of Bombay Film City (RCBF) on Valentine’s Day and I was too lazy to come up with new ideas on love so I decided to share with you’ll a story instead? Maybe. Speaking of Rotaract Club of Bombay Film City (see how smooth I am with segues?), they have this amazing project going on called Doordarshan- The Boundless Panorama. Now, since you can’t travel all around the world because you are poor, RCBF has collaborated with a number of clubs around the world wherein each club has filmed their own city from a first person’s view and have submitted their entries. For all you cheap fucks who can’t afford expensive gifts for your girlfriend this Valentine’s Day, here’s the perfect opportunity to show her the world (from the comfort of your bedroom *ahem ahem*). The videos that have already been uploaded are Butwal, Madagascar, Milan, Tetouan Temouda, Kuala Lumpur and Oklahoma. They’re all wonderful videos, don’t miss them. Also, keep an eye out for Manchester, Greece, Washington DC and Egypt, whose videos are yet to be uploaded. Bon voyage!

Rohan Parekh

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